Rise - 24 Series

40+ unmissable topics by inspiring speakers.

RISE-24 Hrs Non-Stop Webinar 2022

RISE 24 webinar is back this year!

After successfully conducting the Rise 24 webinar twice over the last 2 consecutive years with more than 2500 attendees and raising over £5000 for charity, we are organising this years event from Saturday, 24th September 2022, 12 noon BST to Sunday, 25th September 2022, 12 noon BST. We have more than 30 International speakers presenting on more than 30+ topics related to community education, health awareness, technology, environment, and hobbies.

RISE Foundation Leicestershire is a UK registered charity dedicated to the advancement of Community Education and Promotion of Health and Wellbeing by organising various workshops and meetings. This is to create awareness and bring positive behavioural, attitudinal, economic, and social changes conducive to improve the health of the local community. Our motto is Sharing is caring.

We would be grateful for your valuable support and attendance at this virtual event. We will be raising funds for our charity Rise foundation Leicestershire and would really appreciate your generous donations to support our charitable activities

Start Time

End Time



Our Previous Series of Rise -24

From entrepreneurs to developers, marketing managers, CEOs and policymakers – all of our 5,000 attendees are looking to stay on top of the latest trends

RISE-24 Hrs Non-Stop Webinar 2021

Having successfully completed the Rise 24 webinar last year with more than 1000 attendees and raising around £3200 for charity, we are organising this year’s event from Saturday,31st July 2021, 12 noon BST to Sunday, 1st August 2021,12 noon BST. We have more than 40 International speakers presenting on more than 30+ topics related to Community Education, Health Awareness, technology, environment and hobbies.

RISE-24 Hrs Non-Stop Webinar 2020

RISE Foundation Leicestershire is an organisation involved in advancement of Community Education and Promotion of Health and Wellbeing by organising various workshops and meetings. This is to create awareness and bring positive behavioural, attitudinal, economic and social changes conducive to improve the health of residents in the community.

Event Gallery